7 Habits To Adopt If You Want To Develop A Mutually Beneficial Relationship

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Mutually Beneficial Relationship


Love and Life

We’re all trying to be the best versions of ourselves every day. Sometimes it is for our own sake and sometimes just for the sake of the people, we hold close. Thus, advancing your intimate relationship into a mutually beneficial relationship seems quite the norm if you want to attain perfection in your personal life. What exactly is a mutually beneficial relationship you might ask? A relationship where the propositions/urges of both partners get addressed equally and none of the partners is ever at odds with a situation. Additionally, it’s the kind of relationship where happiness prevails on both ends without any hint of earth-shattering sacrifices.

Your urge to maintain a mutually beneficial relationship shows that you wish to coexist in the best way possible with your partner. So, how exactly can we conform to the bounds of a mutually beneficial relationship? Let’s take a look at some usually neglected practices that can gradually transform your relationship into a mutually beneficial one!

I. 7 Habits To Adopt For A Mutually Beneficial Relationship

1. Create Space For Diversity And New Experiences

Most couples rarely share common tastes. For instance; it’s quite possible that one partner could be high-key adventurous meanwhile the other’s more of a homebody. That’s one of the many reasons why a large majority of couples rarely try to experience new things together. It can be as simple as trying new eateries together on the weekends or something as daring as mountain climbing together. The bottom line is; in an intimate relationship, both partners get to have an equal say on everything.

Adopting this habit can rekindle connection on both ends. In a mutually beneficial relationship, trying out new things gives a couple a fresh perspective on things. Not only does it keep the magic alive. It also makes the partner presenting a new idea feel valued by their significant other. So, instead of pushing down a new idea presented by your partner, try giving them a thumbs up once in a while. Even if the matter in question is regarding your physical intimacy; listening to your partner and experimenting can really make your partner feel valued. It not only satisfies their needs but also gives you a chance to try out something that you’ve long been missing out on.


2. Communication Barriers? Never Heard Of Them

Even some of the most picture-perfect couples face conflicts every now and then. Having conflicts with a person close to you shouldn’t be that earth-shattering. When two individuals with slightly different opinions coexist together, conflicts are bound to turn heads. The main thing that matters the most is “how are you dealing with those conflicts?”. There are only three ways out;

  • You and your partner always suppress those conflicts instead of talking your way out of them
  • You and your partner are willing to talk and set your egos aside for your own betterment

Choosing only one of these possibilities can promise a mutually beneficial relationship. Any guesses? Of course, it’s the latter. By cutting off communication you’re intentionally creating a barrier. When you choose to cut off communication as a result of some big fight both partners suffer. Your inflated ego stops you from sorting the matter and you suffer in silence. Meanwhile, your partner suffers at the hand of your silent wrath. If a matter can be organized by creating dialogue; both partners can save themselves so much emotional labor and stress. Thus both partners have got to adopt the habit of removing any communication barriers. It’s only going to make a relationship stronger and less prone to crumble under pressure.

3. Respecting One’s Innate Separateness

As humans, we’re all social animals, bound to share special bonds with specific people in a lifetime. Some of these bonds are way stronger than most; just like the bond, you share with a significant other. Often, as a result of this intimacy, a few personal boundaries begin shattering without anyone even noticing. It’s a huge deal-breaker. Every once in a while, both partners willing on building a mutually beneficial relationship should have some “me time”.

Instead of asking your partner to mindlessly follow your advice, give them a chance to express their own views on matters. You and your partner aren’t sheep of the same herd, but extremely unique individuals on your own. Avoid becoming extra intrusive in their financial matters or other activities that don’t concern you.

Even someone as close as a boyfriend/girlfriend doesn’t have the liberty to invade personal privacy under the disguise of romantic intimacy. So as a matter of fact, building boundaries is extremely healthy for both partners. As far as the general context on boundaries goes you might believe that you’re both distancing. Yet, the truth is that a relationship without any boundaries can mostly turn out to be extremely toxic for both parties. Respecting each other’s innate separateness only goes on to show how much you and your partner respect each other. It eradicates any notions of oppressiveness and wades off lots of pressure.

4. Appreciation’s All About Giving & Receiving

Don’t expect your partner to do something that you won’t do. If you’re trying to build a just environment, let’s start making things slightly equal. You’re going to get what you’re giving, and you’re going to give what you’ve received. Seems fair, doesn’t it? Like most non-romantic partnerships, an intimate relationship is also almost like sharing a partnership with another person. This romantic “situation-ship” isn’t going to work too well if one partner’s too emotionally involved. Yet the other partner shows an evident lack of emotional involvement. Invest time in showing gratitude on both ends. An expensive gift doesn’t always have to be the only way of showing gratitude; kind words of appreciation should make a rotation on both ends. Make time for that much-awaited movie date your partner’s been asking you to go on.

These are all tiny means of showing that you still care and notice your partner’s efforts. It’s a testament to the fact that your relationship is running on equilibrium and one partner isn’t running way ahead. The bottom line is in a healthy relationship, efforts are always made on both ends for sustenance. If that’s not the case, then things aren’t as eligible as one might think.

5. Sustain Moderate Expectations

Don’t we all have some preconceived notions about our partners and romantic relationships? Yes, we do but only an individual person chooses to base their entire relationship around those preconceived ideas. Relying on your partner to fulfill all your emotional and physical needs means getting way ahead of yourself. It is impossible for anyone to fulfill all your demands and stand tall on all your expectations. Thus in a mutually beneficial relationship, both partners don’t place unmanageable stress on their partner. Things are only going to take a turn for the worse when you start establishing the sort of expectations that go against your partner’s threshold or mindset.

The situation turns even more toxic if one partner’s behavior evidently starts turning way too codependent. Thus if you wish to establish a long-term relationship where both partners are getting their fair share of happiness. It’s essential that what you’re expecting doesn’t strike a chord with your partner. Make it a habit to check your partner’s perspective on things. Instead of forcing your partner to change; mold your expectations in a manner that favors both of you. Morality also demands that you’re not expecting your s/o to do something that you won’t do for them. Consequently, you’ll be liberating your partner from the constant rush of efforts they make to fulfill your expectations. The more your partner feels at peace, the more chances your s/o and relationship get to flourish.

6. Never Stop Nurturing Yourself

When you’re the best version of yourself, everything else starts falling into place on its own. An individual with stable mental and physical health can conjure anything and ace any mountains. Additionally, the relationships you foster turn out much more healthy when you’re at your best. Being at your best means that you’re constantly trying to achieve the personal and career-related goals you’ve set for yourself. There are no excuses or sacrifices involved that could stop you from unapologetically express yourself in any area of your life.

For some individuals, being completely dedicated to their s/o can become a barrier in the way of self-fulfillment. Being in a relationship does not mean that you’ve got to place a full stop in front of your aspirations. Nurturing your mental wellbeing as well as physical health is still as necessary as it was before. If you’re focusing on yourself the relationship you have with your s/o can be more fulfilling for him/her and for you. Thus give your heart a break every once in a while for your sake and the longevity of your intimate relationships.

7. Don’t Shy Away From Ordinariness

Are you still in the honeymoon phase of your relationship? Well, then there’s an 80% chance that things seem way too exciting at the moment. The emotional bonding and physical intimacy might truly be popping off. Additionally, there might be so much more to talk about and so many exciting new things to experience. But wait a minute, is it going to stay the same after a while? Probably not, and that’s not off-putting at all. If you and your partner have prepared yourself for a long-term relationship ordinariness is soon going to become a norm. It’s human nature and just exactly how most relationships work. It would be entirely unfair if you’re blaming yourself or your partner for the lack of “spice” in the later stages of your relationship.

You can still keep each other on the tip of your toes by intentionally embracing casualness with all your heart instead of running away from it. It pulls off the additional pressure from the shoulders of both partners. Furthermore, the constant rush of staying “special” and “remarkable” 24/7 can be very off-putting and stressful. A nearly perfect relationship is all about feeling calm and at peace with your partner. So, why take the rush and push your partner into an uncomfortable spot?

 Mutually Beneficial Relationship 2

II. Benefits Of Staying In a Healthy & Mutually Beneficial Relationship


If you’re not interested in the idea of a long-term relationship, you might want to skip this one. Yet, long-term relationships are huge deal makers for people that desire romantic stability in their life. Knowing that there’s someone you can count on to share your woes and happiness seems like a huge plus point. The sort of intimacy one can share with a long-time romantic partner is unmatched and it can transform one’s life. Adopting healthy patterns and turning your relationship around into a mutually beneficial one can promise you the longevity you want. There’s a maximum chance that your partner’s going to stick around for long if they’re in a toxic-free zone. If all your needs are getting addressed and you don’t dislike the idea of a long-term affinity; what’s more to ask for?

Personal Fulfillment & Wide-Scale Impact

Knowing that someone’s got your back works like a charm. It’s extremely fulfilling and encouraging at the same time. a mutually beneficial relationship, your partner’s always going encourage healthy habits. Thus, it’s a chance for you to outshine anyone. When you have emotional support backing you up, you perform better in any other areas of your life. You have mental and physical stability. Additionally, with mental stability comes the confidence to perform better at your job. Being in a healthy relationship is quite empowering in general and it takes away self-doubt to some extent.

 Benefits of Mutually Beneficial Relationship

Final Words

Of course the concept of a “mutually beneficial relationship” seems pretty foreign at the beginning. Working on a goal takes time; whether it’s in your professional life or personal life. So, there’s no rush if you’re still working on imperfections. Letting go of old habits can be tricky for both partners and if the problem still prevails, talking to a counselor can really help. Give yourself a pat on the back for trying to improve things, you deserve some recognition.





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